Update vom 17.06.2015 Diskussion und Info

  • #25

    Um die Warte-Zeit zu überbrücken und die Englisch-Kenntnisse auf zu frischen:

    Hay Day Derby Matchmaking Changes

    Hey Folks!

    With the upcoming update for Hay Day, there’s one major overhaul to the Derby matchmaking system I'd like to briefly talk about. Now, this change will not kick in full force until a couple of weeks from posting this (it needs to collect some data first) so you won’t see that big changes in the first one or two Derbies. More active neighborhoods will see the changes sooner than the less active ones, however. The system calculates the average performance of previous Derbies, so it’s not only about the previous Derby or even 2 last Derbies. The further we go the better the matchmaking will become as it has more data to be used.

    The change we have made is that the matchmaking will not only look for same sized neighborhoods, but will also match similarly performing neighborhoods. Let me explain it a bit further; Let’s say that you are in a 20 player neighborhood and you guys like to take it easy. With the new matchmaking system you will not only be matched against 20 player neighborhoods, but a 20 player neighborhoods who like to take it easy as well. This will amp the possibilities for you to win, come second or third since you won’t be matched against super active 20 player neighborhoods anymore. If your neighborhood then decides to become way more active and competitive at some point, the matchmaking adjusts to it.

    The super active and dedicated neighbourhoods will of course also be matched together, so the ones who like the competition will get it for sure.

    We believe that this will make the Derby a much more exciting and fair event for everyone. Now if you have any questions, please read all replies in this thread to avoid repeated questions. If you can’t find an answer to your question, go ahead and post it. I will try to answer as many as possible.

    Next up - let’s hope the update arrives as soon as possible!



    Also man kann nicht sagen, dass SC sich keine Mühe gibt... :thumbsup:

    Und was ist mit Tee! :xzitronenkuchenx:

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