Farm Helpers

  • Farm helper Ernest and Rose
    - Rose helps to harvest animal products and animal feed
    - Ernest fills dairy and sugar mill


    • Rose and Ernest must be purchased independently.
    • Cost per farm helper:
      • 15 diamonds for 3 days
      • 30 diamonds for 7 days
      • 55 diamonds for 14 days


    • Rose collects bacon, milk, eggs, wool and goat milk from your farm animals
    • It produces the necessary animal feed via the feed mill
    • It uses plants from the silo for this purpose, but always leaves a minimum number above
    • Via the farm helpers' house you can set what Rose should produce and how much

    That's how Rose works!

    You can hire Rose to feed your chickens, cows, pigs, sheep and goats and collect their produce.

    She only feeds those animals whose products she is to collect. If there is nothing in her production queue

    it ensures that a bag of food is available for each animal.

    For example, if you have 15 cows and only 10 bags of cow feed in the barn, Rose will produce 5 bags of cow feed in the feed mill and then store it.

    She will use the first place in the feed mills. Everything you produce yourself will be placed between Rose's tasks.

    Animal feed produced by Rose will not take up any storage space. You can also use or sell it as you wish.

    Rose keeps the animal products she collects in her own warehouse - they don't take up space in your barn.

    You can view her stock by tapping on Rose and going to the "Currently in

    Rose the animal keeper

    Each time you hire Rose, you can specify the number of each product,

    that she should manufacture and store for you. So it is always ready for you when you need it!

    Rose makes sure that your desired products are always in stock. As long as you do not run out of the plants Rose needs,

    to make pet food, she just keeps working until she meets your quota.

    You can always check how much Rose has stocked for you by tapping her and switching to the "Stock" tab.

    New options for Rose the farm helper

    You can now adjust how exactly Rose should help you.

    You can choose between 3 options via the settings button in the top left of her menu.

    - Feed all animals and have extra food ready

    - Have additional food ready. Do not feed all animals

    - Do not keep additional food ready. Only produce fodder when required

    Optionen Rose.png


    • Ernest fills the sugar mill and dairy
    • For the sugar, sugar cane from the silo is used
    • If there is no longer enough sugar cane in the silo, production is stopped
    • Via the house of the farmer helper it can be adjusted what and how much Ernest should produce

    Ernest the dairy farmer and sugar miller

    Each time you hire Ernest, you can specify the number of each product,

    that he should manufacture and store for you. So it is always ready for you when you need it!

    Ernest is very busy too. He makes sure that your desired products are always in stock.

    Ernest works until he has fulfilled your quota, his barn is full or he runs out of milk or sugar.

    He automatically converts the milk collected by Rose into dairy products,

    when there are none left in your barn. He's not planting sugar cane for you,

    when you don't have any more, but he warns you when you're running low.

    You can always check how much Ernest has stocked for you by tapping it and switching to the "Stock" tab.

    Remember to keep an eye on your farmer helper. Sometimes they need your attention.

    Adjust your production line, confirm your order, and watch your helpers get to work!


    • During activity, the farmer helper walk over the farm, during inactivity they sit on the bench of their house above the mine
    • Depending on the level, only a certain number can be stored in the farm helpers' camp
    • The products that harvest and produce Ernest and Rose are stored in a separate warehouse and are not included in the barn contents. Thus the barn is not burdened by the farmer helper.
    • When a product for production runs out, the hired helper stands in front of the white farmhouse with a red speech bubble indicating the missing product. If you click on it you will get more information about what and how much of the product is missing.
    • To see your helper camp, you can:
      • select the helper and from there take a look into his camp, or
      • from the street vending machine, access the new menu for items your helpers have collected.

    You can now decide whether you prefer to sell items from the barn or items from the helper camp!


    • When harvesting field plants or animal products and when collecting products, tools regularly fall off; these are stored in front of the garden gate of the helpers. A maximum of 10 tools can be stored there simultaneously.

    Helpers' camp

    • Depending on the level, the farm helpers have a certain size of camp:
    Level 33-39 30 Storage Size
    Level 40-49 40 Storage Size
    Level 50-59 50 Storage Size
    Level 60-69 60 Storage Size
    Level 70-79 70 Storage Size
    Level 80-89 80 Storage Size
    Level 90-99 90 Storage Size
    Level 100-119 100 Storage Size
    Level 120-139 120 Storage Size
    Level 140-159 140 Storage Size
    Level 160-179 160 Storage Size
    Level 180-199 180 Storage Size
    Level 200+ 200 Storage Size
