hab mir gerade das Kontaktformular angesehen
das hab ich auch schon ausprobiert.
Die Antwort von supercell war dass sie mir nur übers Spiel helfen können !!!
Hab dann nochmal dieses Formular benutzt und gefragt was ich tut soll weil über den support keine Nachricht rausgeht.
Anrwort :
Hi Farmer,
Thank you for writing us back.
I am sorry to know that you are unable to contact us from the game. Not to worry, I would suggest you try the following troubleshooting tips:
1. Make sure you’ve downloaded the game from the Google Play Store. We can’t verify the safety of versions downloaded from other sites.
2. Free up device memory by closing running unused background apps.
3. Increase storage memory by uninstalling apps you no longer need. Also, try transferring (or removing) videos and pictures from your device.
4. Please note, our games run best on devices that meet the following (minimum) Specifications:
- 0.5 GB of RAM (1GB or more recommended) (Enter Settings > Storage to check available GB)
- Android OS 4.0.3 or better (Enter Settings > About device > Software Info to verify OS)
- 800x480 screen resolution
There’s now a stack of Android devices out there, some operate very differently than others. Please consult your device manual if additional adjustments are needed.
Also, I would request you try again to contact us from the game by choosing the farm and then go to Settings -> Help and Support -> open any one of the help FAQs there. At the very bottom, you will see a question "Was this helpful?". Tapping "NO" will allow you to write us a message from inside the game.
Have a Good Day!
Hab ich alles gemacht ... nur hat es nix gebracht 
kann ich denen eigentlich auch in deutsch schreiben ???