Es geht wieder los - SNEAK PEEKS
- Meli88
- Geschlossen
#62 Kurzer Nachtrag: die Infos aus dem Artikel stammen aus der Fragerunde mit den Hayday-Entwicklern, die kürzlich stattfand.
Hier ist der link dazu im SC-Forum: https://forum.supercell.com/sh…-%2AQuestions-Answered%2AIch fasse mal auf die Schnelle zusammen:
- Für dieses Jahr sind noch Neuerungen für die Stadt geplant.
- SC hat auch Pläne für bzw. ein Auge auf die events, aber kann dazu noch keine Aussage treffen.
- Jeder Hayday-Spieler ist wichtig, ob Anfänger oder Hayday-Oldie
- Für das jetztige Update soll ein brandneues feature eingeführt werden, das unsere "Farmexperience boosten" soll.
(Anm. von mir: so ähnlich wurden Rosi & Erni auch angekündigt.
Ich geh mal davon aus, dass man evtl. irgendwas beschleunigen kann und das mit wahrscheinlich Dias kauft. Evtl. legen die Hühner schneller Eier oder sowas. Der Ballon spricht auf jeden fall dafür, dass man wohl irgendeine "Aktion" auf der Farm kaufen kann).
- last but not least: Farmen denen Ihr mal geholfen habt, können nur noch 72 Stunden lang eure Farm besuchen.
Dev Q & A Round 1 *Questions Answered*
Below are the answers to the questions from Hay Day Q & A Round 1.
Thanks for participating in this round everyone. Stay tuned for round 2.
1. Any plans to improve or expand the town? What about the sea (you had amoozing plans in 2014 for it)?
A: The Town has been overlooked for way too long, we agree! It was a huge undertaking to create the town with its sweet buildings, beach, sea and visitors. We had big plans for the Town when it was launched, but then noticed that there was simply not that much time on our hands to bring it to the next level (as we had envisioned). So, what’s the future of the town? For now all we can say is that there are some plans for the town area this year, but as usual, we can’t spill out what or when. But to answer the question: Yes, there are some definite plans for the Town area and still for this year.
2. Will you ever consider implementing a new event besides the existing ones?
A: Actually we have plans for this as well. In the next update you won’t see any changes to the events themselves, but there are plans to revisit the events later this year. What they will be or even IF it will happen is still up in the air. But we are definitely looking into the events.
3. How high a priority do you place on retaining long-term players? Are they an important segment?
A: Our long-term players are highly important to us! They are dedicated fans who have been with us over the course of 5 years. They have been influencers when it comes to community requested features in our updates and have been active on giving us feedback. That being said, we tend not to “rank” different player segments. We believe that every single player in Hay Day is a part of the aMOOzing community and we value all feedback from every single one of them, no matter if it is a high-level, low-level, long-term or whatnot player. We love and listen to you all.
4. Are there any plans for a new feature (not new machines, land, deco etc) this year?
A: Are you guys reading our minds? Yes, there’s a brand new feature shipping in the next update which will boost your farming experience! Just wait for the Sneak Peeks (which should be launching soon).
5. Why is the last helpers' access to our farms two weeks? Why can't it be lowered to 24 hours?
A: This is a very good question! To have access to farms for 2 weeks was a decision we made way back in the days when we created this feature. Back then it felt like a good amount of time. However, in the next update it will be reduced to 72 hours. We discussed to reduce it to 24 hours but that could be a bit too short time for some players, so we will go for 72 hours for now. We can always change it later if needed.
#64 Ja, ich bin z. B. einer der lieben Nachbarn, die sich da voll und ganz auf di verlassen Farmplay..., meine Tiere hätten schon manches Mal Hunger leiden müssen, ohne Dich.
Und manchmal komm ich in Deinen Shop und geh wieder mit grossen Augen golly und leeren Händen......
Genau Pondi, und das wird sich vielleicht dann ändern
Und ich muss keine Überstunden mehr auf der Farm machen
#70 Wenn man bei Gregs Farm schaut, gaaaaanz hinten rechts, geht es dann weiter.
Gleich bei den Weintrauben und den Fackeln
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